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The Benefits of Finding Neutral in Pilates

If you have taken a Pilates class with me, you will have heard me ask you to lie on your back and find a neutral spine, and I probably went one step further to explain the benefits of finding a neutral spine.

In today's blog post, I will explain the benefits of finding a neutral spine in Pilates.

Finding a neutral spine position is crucial for doing many Pilates exercises properly. This subtle yet powerful adjustment during practice may help prevent injury and increase exercise performance.

What Is a Neutral Spine?

A neutral spine is the natural position of the spine when all three curves of the spine—cervical (neck), thoracic (middle), and lumbar (lower)—are in proper alignment.

Modern research studies have shown that this is the most optimal strongest position for the spine when standing or sitting, as it allows our body to move most naturally, contrasted to an imprinted spine where the pelvis is tilted backwards and changing the natural curvatures of the spine.

As mentioned above, when your pelvis is neutral, your spine is also neutral- aka its natural form. When doing exercises in this position, you have a greater opportunity to build muscle strength, improve mobility and decrease the chances of muscular imbalances over time.

As you get more comfortable working in a neutral spine, you will notice a difference immediately in reduced back pain, more core activation, improved alignment and a more stable base of support in challenging exercises. This is not to say there is never a time to work in imprint, but for the most part, when taking a KM Method Pilates class, we are working in neutral, which is why I thought it would be beneficial to go into detail here today.

If you are a visual learner and are interested in learning more about the neutral spine, I invite you to watch this tutorial I created that goes over it in depth.

Thank you for reading, and I will see you next week!


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